Sunday, April 10, 2011

What a week

As you can see by the date on the last post, it's been hard to take the time to sit down and share what has been going on.
Greens were good to go as of last Monday when we got the call from our Returning Officer. Print was ordered and activity began. Tuesday the core team got together and began putting into motion our plan to share The Green Party Platform "Vision Green" with the people of Peterborough. A lively debate on Cogeco on Tuesday allowed me to begin doing just that. Green common sense ideas contrasted against the "business as usual approach" of the Blue, Red and Orange. It was also good to see planks being borrowed from our platform. The Conservatives have suggested income splitting, while the NDP would end subsidizing large corporations. Both Green ideas that have been posted online for years.
A Wednesday morning breakfast w/ Rotarians, introducing many of them to the Green Party for the first time. That afternoon it was another lively debate at Trent University. A tough crowd for the Conservatives, The Greens and the Liberals took the day. Some canvassing for support and social media campaigning, interviews and planning on the Thursday.
Friday Night was our official launch at Kubo. Folks started arriving by 6 and by 7 the "green party" was in full swing. Students and seniors, business people and consumers, activists and inquisitors of various political colours attended. Special thanks to local media icons Lois Tuffin Ed. PTW and Clifford Skarstedt Examiner Senior photo journalist for their attendance and support. Of course special thanks to "Team Green" for pulling it all together. And a warm thanks to Neil and the staff at Kubo for their hospitality. In all over 100 people through the door with all our signs leaving by that same door as the crowd dwindled around 11pm. A great evening of warm feelings and community.
Saturday it was off to the market first thing to meet Green supporters and share the warm sunny day talking politics. Team Green moved more signs, gathered more volunteer info and sold more "Think Green" T-shirts. We even sold one to Conservative incumbent Dean del Mastro!! The afternoon was spent in the car on the way to Toronto to pick up another 250 signs and thinking of new ways to convey the message.
Sunday.... here it is. Just returned from the Easter Seals "Arm Chair Challenge" where with the support of friends, family and green supporters we raised over $500 in under an hour!! *Fist bump* For the hours that await me, catching up on emails, facebook, twitter and the electronic needs and then knock on a few doors on my way home.
Monday will be another full day. Another all candidates encounter 7pm at The Lion's Centre in East City...and through it all, days peppered with radio and print interviews.

An under taking....


YrHelper Infonut said...
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YrHelper Infonut said...

Just found this article about the first debate Election opponents face first debate- THE LATEST
Seems many parties are starting to talk about the Green Party ideas, but will they balance the economy with a budget that is as logical the Green Party budget?