Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wednesday; A Night of Canvassing

Wednesday night was a good night of canvassing in East City. We met many who were curious about the Greens and many who were disappointed with the debate and lack of a Green voice. Many suggested they were voting Green for that very reason; to send a message that a party with 950,000 votes should not be excluded from a nation leader's debate, especially when the Bloc has been allowed. We also had great luck getting our signs on lawns as almost everyone we spoke to asked or allowed us to post as a symbol of support. We even managed to share a few lawns with our Conservative candidate.
I'm continually inspired by the support and the hard work our volunteers are doing getting the message out.With a very small budget, in comparison to the "big 3", the grass roots conversations and signals of support are more important than ever.

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